Lori Beckman, Senior Editor


Lori Beckman is Senior Editor of Products Finishing, a property of Gardner Business Media. Lori has been a writer/editor in the manufacturing industry since 2004, creating content mostly for the Production Machining brand before joining the PF staff. She has been representing the brands at industry events across the world and has been covering industrial parts cleaning for many years as well.

Lori is also the co-chair for the annual Parts Cleaning Conference, which provides industrial cleaning guidance and training from presentations by experts in the field.

Lori has a B.A. in Communications from the University of Dayton. She resides in Cincinnati, Ohio, with her husband and two children.



Limpieza de partes

Los expositores de Parts and Cleaning 2021 ayudarán a determinar “qué tan limpio es limpio”

Por: Lori Beckman

Aprovechar las ferias y conferencias orientadas a los procesos de limpieza de piezas, las mejores prácticas y tecnologías, como el Precision Machining Technology Show (PMTS), es una excelente manera de informarse sobre la limpieza de piezas para su empresa.


Gardner establece una asociación de limpieza industrial

Por: Lori Beckman

Ha quedado clara la necesidad de crear una comunidad de profesionales de la industria de la limpieza que puedan aprender unos de otros y establecer y mantener estrictos estándares industriales que respondan a la pregunta “¿Qué tan limpio es limpio?”